
How TBI can affect cognition and behavior in children

Parents in Washington may be interested in learning more about how pediatric brain injuries can manifest into a reduced attention span. Researchers have discovered that children diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries typically have slower reaction times and more attention lapses than children who have suffered trauma to other parts of the body. This is the first study to correlate pediatric TBI patients’ lapses in attention with attention or intelligence problems. The respondents who participated in the study were ages 6 to 13.

On average, after the 18 months following TBI, teachers and parents reported a higher rate of problems associated with externalizing, internalizing or maintaining attention in the children. The children tended to exhibit high anxiety or over-aggression. Pediatric researchers discovered that the respondents diagnosed with moderate to severe TBI suffered more lapses in attention and produced lower scores on their IQ test. Their condition may be described as TBI resulting in a loss of consciousness lasting over 30 minutes in conjunction with a bout of post-traumatic amnesia that lasts at least an hour.

Children with mild TBI also have more lapses in attention and lower IQ scores than the average student. These TBI victims may experience seizures, vomiting or a headache shortly after an injury occurs. Physicians say that once the attention issues last over a year, it’s unlikely that the situation will rectify itself without some intervention. For over a decade, researchers have known that TBI in children can result in “secondary ADHD.”

People who have suffered a serious brain injury caused by another party may benefit from consulting legal counsel. Lawyers may be prepared to investigate the allegations and help determine whether the accused can be found liable for the injuries. If legal counsel can prove that the defendant is culpable for the ensuing damages, plaintiffs may be entitled to recover restitution that accounts for medical expenses, loss of income and any other related hardships.

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